The Self-Destruction of Antonio Brown

Antonio Brown has just put the NFL through one of its most bazaar straings sagas in history 
that ended in Brown over twitter saying that he is official done playing football in the NFL in what seems like for now a perminate decision. the resoning for this as Bown states is that NFL owners are in the wirngand are the cause foe his departure from the NFL is because the NFLPA (NFL players Assosiation), needs to hold owners accountable in the league. And while yes that is true tah owners n the NFL need more policing and stricter guide line that need to be inforced to keep them in cheak because ownsers have done ery suspicious thing in the past.this in no way is indicative of the reasosn that Antonio Brown is where he is right now.

         Everything that Brown is expericancing has been brought upon him because of his own actions. His attitude has made hism a locker room cancer for teams to deal with, he has butted heads with many head coaches in various organozations, cussed out General Manager of the Raiders Mike Mayock, thrown former players under the bus behind theur back  and in the most recent and final occuranc got released form the New England Patriots who have a reptutation for being the most respected franchise in the league due to not only their success but the no nonsense and straight forward culture that every players falls in line to the second they sign there. Brown has tried to bring sympathy on him self after all of this when this cascade of events are all his own doing . there is no pity that can be felt toward s Brown. No sympathy. the only thing that one can feel towas a player as talented as him is disappointment.

           Watching the self destruction of a man that 2 years ago was at the top of the sports world fall so far and so quickly is never something a person wants to seeespecially for an African American star like Brown because of the fact the the adage is true that a Black man has to work twiceas hard to get half as much in this world, with the other side of that phrase being that for  African Americans one only has to mess up half as much to lose twice much as others. and we are seeing that exact situation unfold right infornt of our eyes.

To  read more in-depth on this entire saga click here:


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