Baseball and Talk Shows

We have often discussed the changes to the large sport media dynasty's such as ESPN, FOX and CBS. The changes all seem to be similar in nature, a shift towards a talk show that argues opinions versus the statement of facts. This new and growingly popular network phenomena has had its flaws. These talk shows have been pushing "hot takes"in which TV show hosts have to make these outrageous statements. These hot takes are found when discussing MVP's or just the general success of a team over an entire season.

Usually after the first few games, talk shows and some journalists in general feel qualified to predict that teams outcome for the entire season. In football the generalist statements may be accurate, typically after 6 games one could make a prediction for the rest of the season. In the age of super teams, maybe after 6 games you could tell which NBA teams would run the table in that season. But not in baseball.

After 6 games of baseball no one is truly qualified to predict the rest of the season, predict which bullpens will struggle. After 6 games, there are still 75 games before the all star break and most season are brought into light after the all star break. This blog is just a reminder that there are still 156 games left and not all generalist statements will be true.


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